CriThink Project want to find good examples from other countries from different parts of Europe.

In order for the discussion framework to be as broad as possible, the emphasis was on making all invited partners to pay attention to this topic, but in a different way.

We hope that the know-how will be exchanged and the synergies between partners to be found despite their cultural and historical differences.


Expected Outputs:

  • good/best practices when teaching to older adults;
  • methods and learning styles for that particular target group;
  • basic specification of cognitive distorsion;
  • preparation of documents and suggestions for ICT toolbox;


Target group:

The primary target group of the project are seniors 55+ , who are unable to adequately process large amounts of information comes from the Internet .

The secondary target group are the families of  seniors, especially grandchildren (young children), who are also a very vulnerable group due to the instant perception of the world.